Jackie Chan Adventures Wiki

Thomaswhyte1996 Thomaswhyte1996 16 March 2021

Add to rise of the zodiacs

Jackie ducked and was met with a kick to the stomach as the crab creature followed up swiftly .Jackie himself counter attacked with a kick that hit the crab between the eyes ,it fell backwards as the other two clan attacked together Nathan joined Jackie and both using advanced martial arts were able to see the crab retreat back into the ocean .Jackie knew they would have to act quickly Jade pulled up alongside in a small craft and retrieved Jackie Nathan and the still unconscious female and returned to the Main vessel.Jackie instructed Nathan to take care of the Atlantean as he was going to return to the submergible to chase down the clabclan .He believed they were part of a group he had heard about know as the keepers .The keepers to date…

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