Jackie Chan Adventures Wiki
Jackie Chan Adventures Wiki

Jackie chan Rise of the zodiacs

Thomas and I have created a new Jackie adventure we believe fits in well with Jackie Chan Adventures .It is a look at moving beyond the Chinese zodiac and exploring other options ,Hence the name rise of the zodiacs .We will post on regular occasions and would love feed back or ideas .

Jackie Chan

Jackie Chan has for many years been the guardian of the Chinese zodiac .He after living for many years with Uncle has taken the time to learn Uncle magic and has taken on  disciples all dedicated to protecting powers of the zodiac and use uncle magic for good .Chan now in his sixties  is now working with Nathan Whyte and the treasure hunters to find all zodiac powers. Jackie turned over the Chinese zodiac powers to Shendu the dragon sorcerer in order for him to combat his rogue son Drago .Drago had become powerful and threatened to destroy humanity .Drago and Shendu were transported via portal to demon world Uncle then closed the portal trapping both demons inside.Jackie feels that the portal will only hold the two for a short time as they control the power of the 12 talisman .So Jackie has enlisted the help of the treasure hunters to track down the western zodiac as these powers may be used if Shendu and Drago return.

Tohru the wizard

Tohru has been a full wizard and over the years he and Jackie had trained a small group in the arts of fighting and magic .Tohru has been in retirement but he has felt the disturbance in the portal and has agreed to help Jackie locate the western zodiac .Tohru now in his early 70s is still very powerful using magic but has become slow due to his size and no longer engages in martial arts.

The Treasure Hunter

Nathan Whyte


Nathan Whyte as a child grew up with a father who was a lecturer in ancient history as such Nathan developed an interest in archology reading everything, he could especially regarding treasures of lost cultures. His Father was killed on a dig in Egypt looking for the book of zodiac long believed to contain information about magical powers .His death still cannot be explained  and experts have not been able to decide on a cause of death classing it as supernatural. Nathan studied archology at university Whilst at Harvard Nathan met several people who studied with him that also had interest in the zodiac. Nathan intends to recruit a team to help him locate all aspects of the zodiac. Nathan has also had an interest in multidimensions and alternate worlds. Nathan will develop martial arts as his Father Dravid Whyte had the ability to be able to mimic all forms of martial arts to use himself this ability was passed on along with a photographic memory .It is long believed that the Whytes are descendants  of the war lords of Atlantis

Jade Chan

Jade has been beside Jackie for many years and has worked tirelessly with him perfecting Uncle magic

Hardly Harley

Harley at an early age found herself attached to a zodiac cult She quickly became known for giving all members a hard time through her humour and not taking anything seriously .She could laugh at just about anything ,and would .But the cult to her was becoming to focused on the evil side of power and had no success in locating to date the zodiac signs of power .Harley was found by Jackie trying to break into one of his martial arts studios.

The Atlantean’s

The Atlanteans although defeated by the Keepers had placed many of their kind in animated suspension as well as weapons that had only been developed .

Nathan Whyte after reading his father’s journals and putting together a team, has moved on from Egypt as it would seem powers of the zodiac have been discovered to be Atlantean based .Nathan in desperation decided to contact his godfather Jacki Chan expert in the Chinese zodiac to help him locate lost artifacts of the Atlantean zodiac . Jacki well-rehearsed in the enemies of the zodiac and their desire to dominate and rule agreed to assist .Jacki now in his 60s and defender of the Chinese zodiac has long practiced the arts of magic taught to him by Uncle. Jackie over the years has enlisted worriers that assist him protect good from evil and are well rehearsed in both martial arts and magic.



Andromeda was borne in a land called Atlantis centuries ago Around 1350 ad at that time the Atlantean’s had been using the power of the zodiac .Andromeda was frozen in time using the Gemini power of the zodiac with the ability to steal all power of the zodiacs and was planned to be released from her time hold in the year 2020 a year known to be where zodiac powers were at their greatest .Andromeda would harness these powers if possible to release all Atlantean’s who were in the sleep cycle and is to be known as the saviour of the lost empire it will take Nathan in his journeys that enables this to Atlantis power suit

Atlantis royal guard

Head royal guard

Royal assistant

Shark dog or a seal

Amphibian people


The keepers


serpia, the war-like queen of Xebel, has never been above ploys of assassination and conspiracy to further her own political agenda.

serpia was the chief military officer, and later ruler, of the underwater kingdom of Xebel, which was an offshoot of the original continent of Atlantis. Xebel and Atlantis were eternally at odds, and fought each other in many wars for hundreds of years. Atlantis eventually gained the upper hand, trapping Xebel in a mystical barrier that did not permit the inhabitants to leave their home, which was located in the area known to surface dwellers as the Bermuda Triangle. Ships could enter Xebel, but with few exceptions, none could leave.Serpia has detected the emergence of Andromeda who she believed had died with the kingdom of Atlanta’s.Serpia has been keeper of powers of the zodiac for centuries and will not part with them.She is aware Andromeda will be looking to find the powers of the zodiac and has began building a team of henchman to stop her at all costs.


Hipur was first selected by Queen Serpia as he had proven himself loyal during the war with Atlanta’s He had been able to harness the power of the electric eel and use it to strike with stunning force .With centuries having passed and the end of the war Hipur had turned his abilities for modern day use .He is able to charge his power directly from overhead powerlines in addition this power can be used as a shield to stop any attempts to locate him. He has the ability to take on the appearance of a human. He has been chosen as Serpia number one henchman.


Rat was brought to life to serve his queen in protecting the zodiac powers. he is very much a Frankenstein type character who was developed by the scientists to combat his enemy on land or sea .His strengths are his mulitiple arms that allow him to use multiple forms of martial arts .Not highly intelligent and easily manipulated.Hi creation initially was intended to be only ocean creatures but rat dna  found its way into his development as such forming RAT-OCTO.


Queen serpia’s crab clan are her soldiers she is able to use when needed the crabclan have vast strength in their crab like claws, able to cut a man in half but very easily destroyed using conventional weapons or magic. The clabclan are kept in hibernation and only released when required.


In the year 10ad two lands became entangled in war over the powers of the zodiac and were both intent on harnessing the power .The Atlanteans wanted this power to see humanity progress and grow as a people of peace .The Keepers on the other hand believed these powers and abilities should not be shared and only used by the royal family who would rule over the people .

Atlanteans were a land based race of humans who had used the zodiac powers to expand their minds and strength .This power was passed on from generation to generation as such before Atlantis  was defeated and its land sunk below the sea its people were powerful in addition all sources of magic were being  sourced to assist it in its war against the keepers.

The Keepers

The keepers of the zodiac are sea based creatures with the ability to be able to be above the ocean for lengths of time. At the beginning of time the keepers were the only entities with access to powers of the zodiac and in time after a long relationship with the Atlanteans the powers were shared. The two nations shared much ,cultures,food,Tecno but when  Queen sepia took the reins that changed .Serpia did not want the secrets and power of the zodiac shared .She wanted the power for herself .As Queen of the keepers she already had the Zodiac powers and trinkets under lock and key. She felt sharing some of the secrets of zodiac with the Atlanteans to be a mistake and set out to destroy the race and their knowledge of the zodiac. The war of 10ad lasted 2 years with heavy losses of both sides .In the end Queen Serbia using the powers of zodiac sank the land from under the Atlanteans believing this would be the end .It was as most perished but several powerful families had developed the ability to place themselves in hibernation in a state of deep sleep in hidden tunnels that were well concealed and not known to Queen Serbia. Serbia decided that the zodiac must be kept apart and has placed each of them in the oceans all around the world .These locations are known to only those of royal blood and to the guardians of the powers .She has awarded the guardians immortality and super strength.

Atlantis power suit.

Jackie Chan and the hunt for the western zodiac

Jackie for many years has mastered the powers of Uncle and has also found multiple martial arts that he has combined to create Chi-fu martial arts assisted by Tohru the wizard .Jackie and Tohru have detected rumblings in the dimensional portal that holds Shendu and Drago captive .His team are now hunting for zodiacs to fight the formidable team if they resurface. Little does Jackie know that he is soon to find the western zodiac is protected by the Keepers who will fight to the death to keep them out of human hands. The Keepers themselves are every bit as powerful as Shendu/Drago.Jackie must find the hidden combat weapons used by the Atlanteans in there fight against the keepers. Nathan Whyte has already located the lost city using maps and diary information provided by his dad .Now he must bring together his team to start searching the ruins for information that could help Jackie locate the Western Zodiacs.


Nathans father believed he had found the location of Atlantis and with it the answers to the secrets of the western zodiac. But he was killed before he was able to explore the sight ,with him died the location .Nathan has found information hidden in the diaries kept by his Dad and now believes Atlantis is located of the coast of Spain.

In 2013 Dravid Whyte met Jackie Chan to discuss how Chan had been able to locate the Chinese Zodiac .Research was what Chan had used that combined with local knowledge he had advertised in the printed media at the time and had been able to estimate what was needed. This brief encounter had seen Dravid and Jackie become friends and they would communicate often prior to David’s death. It was logical that Chan would recruit Nathan Whyte when he himself decided to look for the western zodiac. As it stood Nathan had already been under stress looking for the zodiac himself and it had taken him money months of hard work to decipher his dads diaries it would work well the combination of the two looking for Atlantis made sense so Nathan jumped at the opportunity to work with Chan.Chan was able to use a deep sea submergible from Section 13 and also had diving equipment that would help them in the search .Section  13 would also agree to provide transport to the location Captain Black had himself arranged this .The mission to the Spanish location got underway once all the legal requirements were taken care of.Jackie ,Nathan and Jade were to explore the region set out in Darvid Whytes diary the crew initially was small only those Chan trusted the most as he did not want the Atlantis location to fall into the wrong hands especially if Shendu and Drago were to escape their portal. Several  locations were plotted and the exploration was set to begin .Captain Black showed vast interest in Jackie’s latest adventure as he to wanted to assure and power found fall into the wrong hands but he had been very careful about how much information was passed on at section 13 .He had his suspicions that it was possible that section 13 had been infiltrated by the ice crew who now were powerful in their own right having moved on from petty crime to be masters of crime.The ice crew had indeed placed a member within section 13 so Black was justified in not passing information on.The ice crew had placed Carl Rice an unknown operative in place .Carl was a very unassuming man small in stature and visually looked like a computer nerd this was deliberate so that he would be the least suspected .In actual fact Carl was a master magician of illusion .He had been in place now for less than 5 months and had been able to send vital information to the ice crew.

Black had his operatives drop the submergible in location 1 it was the area most likely for success based on the Whyte diary ,Both Jackie and Nathan would man the submergible with Jade on the surface documenting progress.The submersible had been checked and prepared .Chan and Whyte dived below the ocean in search ,it would take 45 minutes to reach the ocean floor and begin the search ,as the craft dived  both occupants examined Dravids diary as it in detail explained what features to look for in particular the were looking for a large coral reef as coral attaches itself to solid surfaces and is a clear indication that something may lie below .Many fish species would have taken up home amongst this ancient lost city. After reaching the bottom and exploring for well over an hour nothing showed up that would seem likely to be the city. It was decided as they needed to resurface for oxygen refill that another location would be considered. Black was informed and the new location agreed upon .All felt an energy not felt in location 1 when they arrived it was if a static charge was coursing through them All were extremely confident that this would be the location. Again, the craft dived below the waves the decent this time was not as long as the depth was no where near what location 1 had been, Soon they sighted a coral reef, both looked at each other with pure joy and excitement. Now it seemed Dravids diary had paid dividends the rear access that was hidden by forests of seaweed was the first place they looked and again the static in the air was immense. There it was a manmade object. Poseidon god of the sea glared at them has Stoney eyes covered in coral but clear and precise .Chan knew they had found Atlantis .the depth allowed one to suit up and explore outside the craft .Nathan was the logical choice being youngest .He exited through the release hatch underneath the craft opening one door and closing it the second allowing access to the ocean. Nathan used a mini motorised craft to assist him look around .He was drawn to a spot and had no idea why but he this static charge grew as he moved closer .Once above the object he stopped and began removing sand with his hand .after 10 minutes of doing this he found a hatch handle but could not move it as time had rusted it shut .Using his small craft he attached a harness to the handle and slowly moved away the harness tightened against the handle after several tries it became free and opened.Nathan entered and experienced a row of  what seemed like storage chambers made of an aluminium type steel .How could this be ? What do we have here is this an ancient human sight or something not of earth .The sealed chamber had protected the chamber from damage over the years as such it could have been placed there recently ,Nathan knew this not to be the case based on the condition of the hatch to get into the chamber .He came across a control panel with signs of the zodiac sprawled across it similar to a large tablet screen again this was technology that was not seen in ancient times .It seemed to be a riddle with the zodiacs set out in random order .Nathan touched the screen it powered up he set about setting the zodiac symbols in correct order suddenly the first storage container opened behind a thick pain of glass was a female with various tubes attached the glass screen also illuminated light and displayed zodiac out of place again Nathan set about correcting this .The unanimated female suddenly opened her eyes and looked in disbelief at Nathan she stared for several minutes before touching the glass in front of that set about removing the tubes from her ? Soon after she placed a breathing apparatus overhead that slowly descended from above the chamber commenced opening . Nathan was not sure about what to do .as the door opened the female collapsed ,Nathan gathered her up and made his way back to the craft .He could seem the amazement on Jackie’s face as both entered the submergible .Meanwhile the keepers had detected strange movement from Atlantis as they had been monitoring from the time the Atlanteans were defeated .The submergible reached the surface as it did Jackie noticed Three creatures emerge beside the craft these were soldiers of the crabclan .Jackie opened the hatch to the craft and asked the creatures what their intentions were before a reply could come the creature to the left attacked its claws snapping it sprung from the water as if it had been on solid ground and came at Jackie clearly intending to chop of his head with its claw .Jackie ducked and was met with a kick to the stomach as the crab creature followed up swiftly .Jackie himself counter attacked with a kick that hit the crab between the eyes ,it fell backwards as the other two clan attacked together Nathan joined Jackie and both using advanced martial arts were able to see the crab retreat back into the ocean .Jackie knew they would have to act quickly Jade pulled up alongside in a small craft and retrieved Jackie Nathan and the still unconscious female and returned to the Main vessel.Jackie instructed Nathan to take care of the Atlantean as he was going to return to the submergible to chase down the clabclan .He believed they were part of a group he had heard about know as the keepers .The keepers to date had only been a myth and Jackie felt certain these strange creatures had to be part of the group .The craft again dived below the waves ,but no sign of the clabclan could be seen.Jackie searched till his oxygen supply was just about gone and as he was returning to the surface a large Octopus like creature wrapped itself around the submergible .Jackie looked at the port window and thought he was looking at Ratso but that wasn’t possible as this thing had octopus type arms that gripped his craft .No matter how hard he tried he could not escape he felt himself being taken deeper and before long they entered a large underwater cave that was illuminated by squid that were glowing .Jackies craft was released and disabled by the Octoratso thing .Before long queen of the keepers approached Jackie .the water in the cave disappeared allowing Jackie to exit the craft.Queen Serpia spoke first .I know you Jackie Chan .My agents have watched you for years and we have seen how you have used the Chinese Talismans .Why are you here? Are you looking to take the Zodiac kept safe by the keepers for thousands of years .Chan looked at Serpia his response was well thought out .(Queen Serpia yes we have been looking for the power of the zodiac .If you have been watching me then you would know the power held by Drago and Shendu )(Serpia looked at Chan we know you used magic to hold them both in the never world  Demon prison.) Chan replied Yes Queen this is true, but both have grown strong and we feel the portals beginning to move if they open and release the demons they will destroy this world that we both live in.Queen Serpia laughed you expect me to simply take your word for it Chan.

Jackie replied why else would I risk my life looking for the zodiacs ,I have no use for them .Serpia suddenly moved her arms swiftly and cast a spell that enable Jackie to breath under water .Jackie was unaware this had happened and panicked as the cave again began filling with water .He attempted to enter his craft but it was to late the water engulfed him he held his breath as long as he could and when he couldn’t any longer he opened his mouth and discovered he could breath. He looked at serpia who was laughing uncontrollably .You thing that’s some kind of joke .serpia replied yes I do .Come with me now Chan I will take to my world and explain to you why I can not release the zodiacs to anyone we the keepers use the zodiac only to provide us power and will not share that with anyone and especially not you Chan.Suddenly Serpia was hit by an object from behind and turned around to see Jade in armoured underwater diving gear.Serpia again waved her arms and Jade was flung back by a blast of fast moving water and hit the back of the cave .Jackie yelled at her to stop and moved in front of Jade to stop any further attack.Suddenly 5 of the crab clan moved on Chan and Jade the cave became an arena of martial arts with the crab clan showing great skill ,high flying kicks and punches exploded all around Jackie he was able to fight off the first two when Queen Serpia stopped the advancing Crab clan and told them to stand down they all complied .Now Chan do you see you are outnumbered any more attacks from any of you and I will feed you to the sharks.I had intended to show you my world but now I shall return you to your vessel and you will all leave no more warnings.Jackie and Jade we taken to the ladder and boarded the vessel both were met by Nathan.Where is the submergible he asked Jackie explained what had happened with Queen Serpia Nathan looked at Jackie and said the girl we brought found is awake her name is Andromeda and she has quiet a tale to tell .Jackie you must come meet her .Jackie ,Jade and Nathan went to sick bay where Andromeda was sitting up in bed .She explained how the keepers and Atlanteans had been at war for many years and how the keepers had suck Atlantis leaving no trace of their culture behind it had been assumed this would happen and several Atlanteans had been placed in animated suspension .This is where Nathan had found Andromeda .She explained how when Queen Serpia had taken over as ruler of the keepers the alliance that had existed between the two nations had crumbled as Serpia did not want Atlanteans using the zodiacs .They had fought for many years and the keepers had proven to be to strong defeating Atlantis and taking back control of the zodiac.Most had perished only those selected to be kept in suspension would survive .Andromeda asked Chan to help her recover those remaining of her people and she also mentioned that power suits were kept in suspension . Jackie knew he would need all his team to attempt to help Andromeda and placed a call to