Jackie Chan Adventures Wiki
Uncle slap
"Do not rush the magic!"

This article, Transcript:Project A, for Astral, is currently under active construction, and you can help! Feel free to edit or add content, but please follow the manual of style, and be sure to cite your sources.

Project A, for Astral[]

  • [Jackie is onboard the carriage of a freight train in Turkey.]
  • Jackie: [He pries open a crate with a crowbar, revealing the Sheep Talisman inside.] The Sheep Talisman.
  • Jackie: [He gleefully takes the talisman from the crate.] Ah, Jackie had a little lamb!
  • [Jackie is interrupted by a pair of Shadowkhan who break into the carriage through a hatch in the roof.]
  • Jackie: Hmm? [He promptly hides the talisman in his pocket.] It's not here. Can you believe it!
  • [The two Shadowkhan respond by throwing shuriken at Jackie, who avoids getting hit by ducking out of the way.]
  • Jackie: Heh, guess not.
  • [Each Shadowkhan draws a wooden fighting staff before proceeding to fight Jackie.]
  • Jackie: [Whilst dodging thier strikes, he impales the lid of the crate with his crowbar, providing him with a makeshift shield. After the Shadowkhan quickly dismantle the crate lid, Jackie blocks their incoming strikes with the crowbar before swiftly knocking them to the floor with a single leg sweep.]
  • Jackie: [He subsequently leaps up through the hatch before climbing onto the roof of the train.]
  • [As Jackie runs along the top of the train, he is confronted by more Shadowkhan who quickly surround him. Whilst Jackie prepares to defend himself, his cell phone begins to ring.] Huh? [He reaches for his cell phone and answers whilst simultaneously dodging and reflect the Shadowkhan's strikes.] Hello?
  • Jade: [Over the phone.] Jackie, help!
  • Jackie: [He gasps.] Jade! What's wrong? [He blocks several incoming attacks with his free arm.]
  • Jade: [At Uncle's Rare Finds.] Never leave me with Uncle again! [She peers behind her shoulder as Uncle walks past.] We eat nothing but mung beans and rice, and he reeks of garlic! And Uncle's no fun...
  • [Jackie continues to defend himself whilst still listening to Jade over the phone, until a Shadowkhan wielding a wooden fighting staff catches him off guard, severing his satchel in half which causes several artifacts to spill onto the roof of the carriage, amongst them the Sheep Talisman, which the Shadowkhan promtly picks up.]
  • Jade: ...I asked him if we could go to the new Melvin Moose amusement park, and he's all, "Roller coasters are bad for digestion!"
  • Jackie: [He gasps.] No!
  • Jade: I know, can you believe it!?
  • [The Shadowkhan tosses the talisman up to Finn, who is onboard an attack helicopter alongside Ratso.]
  • Jade: Promise we'll go as soon as you get home? Promise?
  • Jackie: Yes, whatever, I promise, goodbye! [He hangs up.]
  • [The Shadowkhan vanish in a puff of smoke.]
  • [In the attack helicopter, Finn is reporting to Valmont via video call.]
  • Finn: Valmont. [He holds up the Sheep Talisman.] Score! [He chuckles.]
  • Valmont: And Chan?
  • Finn: We'll miss him dearly. [He smugly turns to the pilot of the attack helicopter, signaling him to fire a barrage of missles at a wooden rail bridge crossing a ravine ahead of the train's path.]
  • Jackie: [He gasps upon witnessing the missiles launch from the attack helicopter, which promtply obliterate the wooden bridge to pieces upon impact. He then watches in horror as the train proceeds along the tracks towards the ravine.]