Jackie Chan Adventures Wiki
Jackie Chan Adventures Wiki
Samurai Ratso
Season 4 Episode 2
Episode 71
General Information
Setting San Fransisco, USA
Tokyo, Japan
Matsue, Japan
Aired on September 20, 2003
Production Number 71
Written by Duane Capizzi
Louis Hirshorn
Joelle Sellner
Directed by Seung Eun Kim
Produced by Frank Squillace
Episode Guide
Previous Episode
The Masks of the Shadowkhan
Next Episode
The Amazing T-Troop

Samurai Ratso is the seventy-first episode of Jackie Chan Adventures.


The Chans head to Tokyo to locate the next Oni Mask. They learn that they have to adopt new methods to defeat each tribe of Shadowkhan and to remove the masks of their respective Oni Generals.


The episode opens in Captain Black's office. Jackie has just sent him the Oni Mask from the previous episode. Without stating why, Jackie tells Black to lock the mask in the Section 13 vault, stressing that he should not to allow anyone to wear it before explaining that they have tracked the next Oni Mask to Tokyo, Japan.

Meanwhile in a history museum, the Chans are researching an ancient scroll that they believe holds clues to the location of the next mask. Moments later, Jade stumbles upon a room with an entire wall full of masks, one of which gives Tohru "the willies".

Suddenly, Tarakudo reveals that he is hiding amongst the masks and calls out his Enforcers. Tarakudo gives his henchmen the utterly useless order to "Get the Mask", and Hak Foo, direct to the point, begins rapidly putting on and removing masks knowing from past experience that the mask will bond to his body as soon as it makes contact with his face.

Jade attempts to stall the Enforcers by knocking all the masks into a pile, although her efforts are wasted when Tarakudo, realizing he neglected to tell his henchmen what the mask looks like, transforms himself into a copy of it. With this, Jackie and Hak Foo make a grab for it, and Ratso attempts to restrain Jackie. Trying to save her uncle, Jade jump kicks Ratso, causing him to face plant directly into the mask which immediately bonds with his face.

Realizing that the locator spell they were making is now useless, Uncle orders Tohru to make a mask removal spell. Learning from past experience, Uncle draws a samurai sword from a conveniently placed samurai bust for the spell. Ratso summons an army of blade limbed Shadowkhan to fight the Chans, who discover the hard way that since this is a different mask, they require a different ingredient to remove it and the same goes for the new Shadowkhan. The Chans flee, barely escaping with their lives. Elsewhere, as Tarakudo starts plotting with his henchmen, he suddenly has "the Willies."

In their hotel room, the team begins analyzing the scroll they retrieved and determines a way of finding the mask removal ingredient. According to the scroll, there exists a deck of magical cards called the Hana Fuda. When placed in the right combination, the cards are believed to not only reveal the removal ingredient for each mask, but also their location in the world. Uncle is skeptical over the cards, however, believing them to be mere legend.

Suddenly, Tohru starts having "the Willies". Everyone looks around and notices that the eyes on a portrait are moving. Out of the painting comes Tarakudo, intent on stopping them from obtaining the cards; Uncle eats his words and acknowledges that cards are important. Tohru is able to drive off Tarakudo using an onion, which he said is also believed to drive off the Oni. The onion impacts Tarakudo, causing irritation in his eyes.

Ratso decides to take advantage of his army of Shadowkhan for one purpose; to play a baseball game. Hak Foo scoffs at Ratso's petty use of his Ninjas, boasting that he could've used the mask to subjugate Japan. When Ratso's ball goes high, he attempts to intimidate Hak Foo into retrieving it, until Tarakudo appears with a new assignment for him, to prevent the Chans from retrieving the cards.

Waiting for a train to take them to Matsue, Tohru explains that the cards are housed in an ancient shrine there. Uncle, realizing how independent Tohru has become, attempts to board a train bound for the airport, desiring to go back home, ostensibly to check on the shop, but eventually confesses that he feels obsolete due to Tohru's experience in dealing with the Oni surpassing his own. As Uncle departs, Tohru, Jackie and Jade's train to Matsue arrives, but no sooner does it pull into the station does Ratso emerge on the opposite platform. Jade tries throwing an onion at him, only for Ratso to catch it and take bite out of it; Tohru's explanation is that Ratso is still part-human and likes eating onions. The Chans and Tohru narrowly escape on the train, but are pursued by one of Ratso's deadly Razor Khan. Luckily, Tohru had already devised a new stun spell and repels the Shadowkhan.

Arriving in Matsue, the Chans discover that the shrine has been replaced with an automotive factory, but Tohru notes that the company has borrowed its logo from the kanji for Hana Fuda. Inside, the Chans introduce themselves to the company president, who reveals that the cards are still in his possession, displayed in a frame on the wall of his office. When asked of their interest in the cards, the Chans warn him that "some very bad Oni know of your cards", prompting him to laugh at their claims until he is spooked by the emergence of a Shadowkhan, turning around only to face Ratso before fleeing in terror.

While Jackie is busy dealing with the Shadowkhan, Jade and Tohru try figuring out how to play the game the Hana Fuda cards are based on, and after arranging them in a particular order, discover that the mask removal spell ingredient is Japanese silk. Suddenly, Ratso appears from behind and confronts them. Uncle arrives just in time to save his nephew, taking his apprentice's fallen blowfish and fusing it the new stun spell with his own, wielding both blowfish akimbo style and blasting every single Razor Khan in the factory. Jackie, Jade and Uncle are all relieved to see Uncle again, but he reveals that his only reason for coming back was because he realized that Tohru had the keys to the shop on his person, to which Tohru sheepishly confirms. Jackie proceeds to leap onto Ratso before he can summon any more Shadowkhan while Tohru, Jade and Uncle attempt to conjure the mask removal spell.

Realizing that the severed half of the car company's president tie, which was sliced off when he was attacked by one of Ratso's Razor Khan, is made of silk. Whilst Jackie and Ratso go head to head with each other, the three are able to cast the spell, zapping Jackie's hands with a glowing green magic, empowering him to remove the mask. With it, Jackie removes the mask and Tarakudo telekinetically whisks Ratso from the scene and berates him for his failure in losing both the Mask and the Cards.

Back at Section 13, Jackie places the Mask onto a wall in the vault beside the mask discovered in Shendu's Palace featured in the previous episode, when Tohru asks his sensei how they're going to keep Tarakudo from penetrating the vault. At that moment, Tarakudo is attempted to storm Section 13 himself, only to be repulsed by the onion odor surrounding it. Inside, Jade explains in the same tone as Uncle that, "Oni magic cannot defeat onion magic", to which Uncle calls a little trick he learned from his apprentice.






Voice Talent[]


  • USA: The WB (Kids' WB) - Saturday, September 20, 2003


Main article: Transcript:Samurai Ratso


  • The title of this episode is likely a reference to the popular, iconic Cartoon Network series, Samurai Jack, which was still running at the time this episode was released.