Jackie Chan Adventures Wiki

Discovery of the Rooster Talisman


The Talisman as it was first found in the first episode.

The Rooster Talisman was first sighted in the first episode of season one "The Dark Hand". This talisman was discovered by Jackie Chan in King Loodwicks castle in Bulgaria. Jackie Found this talisman completely by accident when he picked up a shield that had the Rooster Talisman embedded in it. Jackie choose this shield be cause he was trying to escape from King Loodwicks Treasure which was set off by a booby-trap triggered by one of Jackie's followers. But at the time of its discovery Jackie Had no idea of what the shield was. He was later contacted by The Dark Hand because they wanted to "purchase" it from him. Jackie did not discover the importance of the talisman was until the end of the episode. The use of the talisman was not discovered until the second episode when Jade accidentally ate it, and used it.


The first appearance of the Rooster Talisman by its self,(not in the shield where it originally was.)

The Power of the Rooster Talisman

The user of the Rooster Talisman gains the Power of Levitation/Telekenisis (the ability to move objects with your mind). The stronger the person's willpower and strength, the more weight and speed can be achieved. Combining this power with the Rabbit Talisman allows for supersonic flight.

Later Findings of The Rooster Talisman

In The Powers Unleashed Jackie destroyes the talismans with a full power laser blast. With no host for the powers of the talismans, the talismans go back to the corresponding animal of their zodiac. The Rooster Talisman's power returns in When Pigs Fly, to a rooster named Eggbert, who could then levitate.


Talisman in Rooster form, as seen the eyes show the talisman.
