Jackie Chan Adventures Wiki

The Jiangshi, also known as Chi Vampire, is a Chinese Vampire, capable of sucking chi out of people and turning them into his vampire slaves.

In an abandoned castle where Uncle was acquiring rare antiques, Jade accidentally awakened the Jiangshi, which sucks out her, Tohru's and Uncle's chi. In a chi transfusion, Tohru got a part of Jade's and Jade a part of Uncle only for the latter to turn into a vampire. The only way to reclaim the chi before sunrise is to find a toadstool, place it in the vampire's left sock and throw it into a river otherwise it will belong to the vampire forever. However, the Jiangshi set out to stop him but lost his socks and the chi. As the sun rose, the Jiangshi was blasted into dust.

Powers and abilities

The Jiangshi is capable of sucking out people's chi to strengthen itself. The more chi it gets, the stronger it gets and can even speak. It can be immune to the sun.

The Jiangshi is blind, so it sniffs to find its target. It can't find a person who holds his/her breath. But with more chi, it can see and talk.
