Jackie Chan Adventures Wiki

"Great-Great-Grandpapa Ferkel devised a unique method of melting mass quantities of cocoa beans, but Grandpapa was a superstitious man and took the secret to his grave."
Mr. Ferkel in The Dog and Piggy Show

Grandpapa Ferkel was the owner of a chocolate factory in Bavaria, Germany. He is the great-great-grandfather of Mr. Ferkel.


Three generations ago in Germany, Grandpapa Ferkel somehow came into possession of the Pig Talisman. After discovering the Talisman's magical power of thermal vision, Ferkel secretly used his newfound ability to melt mass quantities of cocoa beans in the production of chocolate. Owing his success to the Talisman, Ferkel adopted the Pig as his "lucky animal". In the decades following Ferkel's death, the Pig Talisman remained adorned on the hat of an automatonic pig at the top of a clock tower which Ferkel had allegedly donated to the town.


TV Series[]

Season 1[]


  • In German, the word "ferkel" means piglet, a reference to Grandpapa's affinity to the Pig Talisman.
  • Chronologically, Grandpapa Ferkel is the earliest known human character to have used a Talisman.