Jackie Chan Adventures Wiki

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Golden Squid
General Info
Name Golden Squid
Origin East Asian
Type Artifact
Debut/Closing Season 5 Episode 4

"And the centerpiece of our collection is the exquisite three-thousand year old Golden Squid; priceless."
Museum Curator

The Golden Squid is a three-thousand year old gold statue of East Asian origin.


Jackie Chan helped transport the artifact to the San Francisco museum. The Dragon Scouts visited the exhibit showcasing the Squid during a field trip where it was then stolen by a thief. Jackie assumed Finn, Ratso and Chow were responsible while they acted as Dragon daddies during the excursion. It was actually their nephews who stole the Squid. Jade took it from them before they were confronted by the museum curator and security guards who tried to steal it in an inside job.

The Enforcers stopped the curator from escaping with the Squid and then attempted to take it for themselves. Jackie stopped them when he came to apologize for his earlier accusation, before incapacitating them in cement.


TV Series[]

Season 5[]
