Jackie Chan Adventures Wiki
Jackie Chan Adventures Wiki
Armbands of Shiva
Bands of Shiva 2
General Info
Name Armbands of Shiva
Origin Indian
Type Magical Object
Ability Grants their wearer two additional arms
User Shiva
Hak Foo
First Appearance Season 2 Episode 37
Last Appearance Season 4 Episode 10

"The Bands of Shiva. With these, I will be unstoppable."
Hak Foo

The Armbands of Shiva are a mystical pair of armbands that Jackie and Hak Foo both sought.


The armbands were discovered in India within an ancient Hindu temple, displayed on the arms of a statue depicting Shiva. Hak Foo desired the bands to (in his own words) become unstoppable, but Jackie managed to evade him and escape with the bands. Following Jackie to Uncle's Shop, Hak Foo confronted him and demanded the bands before being accidentally shrunk (along with Jackie) by Jade's spell, with the bands (still in Jackie's possession) shrinking as well. Upon seizing the bands and donning them both, Hak Foo grew two additional arms, each just as nimble and muscular as his original ones. After Hak Foo returned to his normal size, it is unknown what became of the armbands.

Bands of Shiva 1

The Armbands of Shiva, adorned on a statue of their eponymous owner


TV Series[]

Season 2[]

Season 4[]
