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While Streaming is the future, I still miss Jetix.
5 Votes in Poll
Here's a link to the template I've just made on Tier Maker(the 1st episode ranker made for this show), so that you can make your own ranking - https://tiermaker.com/create/jackie-chan-adventures-episodes-15438567
We had something similar to this when she used the sheep talisman in Season 1.
Good picks!
Unavailable Characters;
Garbage - Jades Parents
Tiger - Matter Manipulation
Sheep - Mind Control/Possession
Rat - Teleportation
Monkey - Transformation into any person, animal or object(minus powers of the imitated person)
Pig - Elemental control (similar to the Avatar being able to control the elements of Water, Air, Fire and Earth).
Snake Hunt
Mother of All Battles
The J-Team
Queen of the Shadowkhan
Agent Tag
Scouts Honor
The Invisible Mom
Animal Crackers
The J-Tots
Dragon Scouts
The Rock
Day of the Dragon
The Eighth Door
The Demon World
Tough Luck
A Jolly J-Team X-Mas
Re-Enter the Dragon
Fright Fight Night
Ninja Twilight
The Powers That Be
16. While Jade could still want to help out, don't make her as careless as she was in the original series
17. Due to the danger in Jackie's life, Jackie could train her in martial arts and she could have some gadgets or spells, but only to a certain extent, so that her helping out is beliveable and doesn't become silly.
Ideas for a remake;
Jades parents are killed, which is why Jackie takes her in, since he is the only family she has left
Have Toru be much more symphatic when he's a villain, thus making his redemption more believable
For Season 2, let the Dark Hand have the talisman powers for most of the Season.
Have a real life accurate Jackie Chan. As great as the original series Jackie by James Sie was, it was far from accuarte. In real life, Jackie is short, stocky, brown and not fluent in English.
Have El Toro and Viper as series regulars.
While mostly having a lighthearted tone, make the show more dramatic and serious e.g the tone of Spider-Man PS4 or The Flash CW Series
While still being funny, have the enforcers be more of a physical challenge to Jackie e.g martial arts or magic
Keep each season centered collecting magic artefacts or energy, like the original series while still being episodic. However introduce more variety to plotlines to avoid becoming repetitive e.g balance between heroes getting talisman/mask and villains getting talisman/mask.
Change the following Talisman Powers; Tiger - Matter Manipulation, Sheep - Mind Control/Possession, Rat - Teleportation, Monkey - Transformation into any person animal or object(minus powers of the imitated person), Pig - Elemental control (similar to the Avatar being able to control the elements of Water, Air, Fire and Earth).
Have Jackie and Jade bond over tramatic events e.g death of loved ones, being permanently physically disabled(appearing that way until it's resolved for the sake of the status quo) , near death expererinces etc
Have Jade and Pako grow older throughout the series and eventually become lovers
Give Viper a tragic backstory similar to Catwoman, thus why she starts as a thief. Eventually she could then become an agent. Have her hook up with Jackie.
Have Toro and Toru be a gay couple
Get rid of Demon Chi and Animal's having Powers (the macguffins from Season's 3 and 5). Stick to Talismans, Demon Sorcerors and Oni Masks
Give Uncle a mental and or physical handicap, whether it's due to old age or just in general
8 Votes in Poll
9 Votes in Poll