Bai Tza the water demon
Tso Lan the moon demon
Hsi Wu the sky demon
Xiao Fung wind the demon
Tchang Zu the thunder demon
.Po Kong the mountain demon
Dai Gui the earth demon
11 Votes in Poll
Bai Tza the water demon
Tso Lan the moon demon
Hsi Wu the sky demon
Xiao Fung wind the demon
Tchang Zu the thunder demon
.Po Kong the mountain demon
Dai Gui the earth demon
When Ember, the daughter and firstborn of the fire demon sorcerer shendu, learns of a special gateway that connects to the human realm, more specifically San Francisco, where she find out about a clan of demons that wish to destroy both realms. Now she and her cousins (the other children of the demon sorcerers) will have to save their home.
In the middle of the southern ocean, a piece of the Arctic began to fall off. As it sunk towards the bottom of the ocean, it hit what appeared to be a large fortress. Inside of it torches began to light as what appeared to be a man walking down a long corridor into what look like a throne room.
The figure sat on the large throne at the end of the room. The figure was wearing some sort of armor that was designed to make it look like Japanese armor. However the figure had a mechanical left eye and was holding a serrated sword.
????: “at long last, the living demon temple kibaoni has reawakened. Finally after millions of years… now is the time for our return! It is time for the heavenly demon shadow clan to revive!”
The scene opens on the city of San Francisco where a female voice begins to narrate.
Narrator: “beautiful right? This is the city of San Francisco, one of the most amazing human city. But this is not my home, oh no. This place is nice but my true home is here, in the netherworld.” As the scene suddenly changes to a different realm. The sky of the realm was a burnt orange and the gravity was quite low since there was floating rocks all over the place. However in the distance there was a large building that look like a cross between a Chinese temple and a castle. Inside one of the building room was a surprisingly modern bedroom which at the end of the room was a large king size bed which was occupied by what look like female human. It was then that a loud noise was heard that caused the person to awake. She slowly began to sit up, revealing that she was actually some sort of reptilian humanoid, she also had blond hair that was all frizzy and red eyes. “Yeah that me, ember. In case your wondering I’m a dragon demon. And I bet I have a feeling I know who caused that loud noise.”
After ember sorted out her hair and changed into her clothes which was a black leather jacket, red shirt and grey trousers. She was walking downstairs to a large room where two people were arguing. One was a large dragon that look like a male version of ember and the other was a person more around ember height, he had a more darker shade of scale and had a more human appearance. They were ember father and brother, shendu and drago.
Ember: “oh come on, you guys. This again? It way too early in the morning for this.”
Shendu: “huh? Oh morning sweetie. I would have kept it quiet today if someone would finally apologise for ruining a chance to conquer the human realm.”
Drago: “and I told you I’m not apologise for anything. I still believe that I’m the better one to rule the world, not some old scaly has-bee…” as both he and shendu are suddenly held by their horn by some invisible force which suddenly reveals itself to be a another female dragon demon who look like ember but a few years older then her. “Mooooom, not so hard on the horns please. It really hurts.”
Shendu: “I agree with drago. Zoe honey, could you not grips so hard on my horns please?”
Zoe: “no, not until you two make up. I’m tired of your squabbling and I want us to be a family. So stop acting like children and make up already. Morning sweetie.”
Ember: “morning mom.”
Drago: “you just had to give her a bit of your powers hadn’t ya?”
Zoe: “why don’t you run along ember, this may take a while.”
Ember: “yeah, beside I promise the others I hang out with them today.” As she left the house. “See ya later.”
Later, ember is seen jumping across some floating rocks when a shadow flew over her. Ember stops before looking around for what made that shadow. While she was distracted, she was suddenly slammed into by something. When she look to see what hit her, she saw a female, light grey-skin gargoyle like demon with large, bat-like wings, red hair and eyes. She also had a light blue shirt and a brown long skirt.
Ember: “sky! I told you not to ram into me from behind like that! I could have hurt you.”
Sky: “yeah right. If it was anyone else, you would have clobbered them but when it comes to your family or cousins, you just act tough.”
Ember: “I know but I still could have. I do have my father powers after all.”
???: “yet ya still haven’t unlocked one of them yet. Drago unlocked super speed while you haven’t unlocked any of your inherited power.” Ember and sky turn to see a light blue demon with red eye, black hair with a yellow streak in it, punk rock style clothing and black sunglasses. Her t-shirt had a lightning bolt emblem on it.
Sky: “why ya gotta be like that raiden? It totally aggravating ya know.”
Raiden: “I know but someone need to keep a head in right now. Beside, I bet I can take you on.” As ember and sky stood back up.
Ember: “you say that but we know that in terms of power, I got the most.” As she squared up to raiden like they were about to fight. But instead they held each other in a headlock. “Come on now. When will we stop this sort of thing? We not our parents after all.”
Raiden: “yeah yeah. Come on, the others are waiting for us and we need to move quick before Yama eats all the good food, then all the remaining food.”
Ember: “alright then. Race you there.” As she leap across the rocks.
Raiden: “hey, no fair. Wait up.” As she chased after her.
Sky: “don’t leave me behind you two. Com on.” As she flys after them.
Back at the demon temple kibaoni, the figure from the beginning was using some sort of magic to shot lightning from his hand at a frozen block of ice. When it shattered, it revealed a red and black karakuri robot. After a few seconds a red light shined out of it and it came to life. They weren’t the only one though. There was a green bulky demon holding a staff, a bat-like demon, a demon that look like a trickster, one design like a demon ninja and a female bee demon.
????: “what is your name?” Causing the robot to bow down in front of him.
Robot: “I am the fourth spear and the mechanical heavenly great demon, zurgane, my lord.”
Green demon: “the fifth spear, the mystical heavenly great demon, choobo.”
Trickster: “sixth spear and the illusion heavenly great demon, shimazu.”
Bee: “fourth spear and the beautiful heavenly great demon, beevil.” Giving off a wink to the viewers.
Bat: “the seventh spear. Tau zant the stealth heavenly great demon.”
Ninja: and I am your second in command and the second spear. Iga the ruthless heavenly great demon, my master.”
????: “and in case any of you forgotten, I am the first spear. Vexacus, the emperor heavenly great demon and ruler of our clan.”
Zurgane: “master, how long were we asleep for? The last thing I remember is us being sealed away.”
Vexacus: “we been sealed away for too long. Humans believe us are nothing more then myths and legends. But now we shall show them ourselves. But first we must find a way to get to the surface. I don’t know if any of you noticed but we are currently underwater.”
Beevil: “I noticed. My room got a aquarium view window. It surprisingly calming.”
Shimazu: “well not for me. Every time I look outside, I feel seasick. In fact excuse me for a minute please.” As he ran to a nearby bucket. “BLARGED!!”
Choobo: “I have a idea that may work but it in the prototype stage.”
Vexacus: “what is it, choobo?”
Choobo: “a doorway spell. With it we can head to wherever we need to go but the ingredients are rare and I can only make one so far and I haven’t exactly tested it yet.”
Vexacus: “then get ready for a field test. We must reestablish our base so that we can finish our plans. To unify the demon and human realms into a perfect world where I rule.”
Choobo: “yes, my emperor.” As he kneeled down. “But first we need someone to test it and I know who. Come! Mystic heavenly barrier demon, kekkai!” As a blue faced demon suddenly appeared. He appeared to have a large scythe that was designed like a mantis claw. His helmet and armour was also designed like a mantis as well. (Note: kekkai is Japanese for barrier or breach)
Kekkai: “you have called for me, lord choobo?” As he kneeled down to honor his master.
Choobo: “indeed. Prepare the doorway spell. You shall led the first assault.”
Back in the demon realm, ember, sky and raiden were moving across the realm until they came to a large space where a group of demons (their cousins) are waiting for them. Yama, a large lime green demon with rocks coming out of his skin and the son of the mountain demon, Po Kong. Luna and Star, two dark gray demons with four arms. They both had robes similar to a Chinese nobleman clothing. they were the daughters of Tso Lan, the moon demon. Mako and Oceana, two demons with sea serpent tails and the son and daughter of Bai Tza, the water demon. Storm, a demon in similar appearance to sky only with a darker set of hair, black short trousers and the son of the sky demon Hsi Wu. Terra, a Minotaur like demon with a red sports jacket and shirt and the daughter of dai Gui, the earth demon. Rana, cyclone and Gale, three frog like demon. Rana had a set of wide lens glasses, purple hair and she had a dark violet shirt and trousers. Cyclone had short blonde hair. He also short sleeve light purple jacket, T-shirt and trouser. Gale had a lighter skin colour then his brother and sister. He had a blue shirt and dark grey trousers. They were the children of Xiao Fung, the demon of wind.
Luna: “finally I was worried that you were weren’t coming, ember.”
Ember: “oh come on guys, ya know I was coming no matter what.”
Terra: “wish you made it sooner though, we could have used the help fending off Yama from eating the food.”
Yama: “I’m sorry. I can’t help it, I’m just so hungry.”
Mako: “your always hungry, Yama but then again, like mother like son.” As he slap Yama belly causing it to ripple.
Luna: “that was a little mean, don’t ya think mako?” She said softly since she was a little bit shy.
Gale: “oh come on Luna, ya know mako doesn’t do jokes to be mean plus ya need to be a little less soft ya know?”
Star: “he got a point sis. Stop being so soft.”
Cyclone: “anyway, what on the agenda for today, ember? A little training or a little gaming? Honestly I could use both today.”
Ember: “we’ve got a big day today so it going a large amount of training followed by a nice long gaming session, that alright with everyone?”
Yama: “as long as there good food to eat, then I’m game.” Causing everyone to laugh a bit at that.
Ember: “come on everyone or have you forgotten that we demon sorcerers?”
Back at the demon temple kibaoni, choobo is preparing the doorway spell so that the heavenly demon army can escape and attack the humans.
Choobo: “this chi spell is very easy to mess up but not for the heavenly demons magical expert. Now then let see, fang of the king of serpents, tongue of the salamander, the powder remains of a monarch butterfly and for the hardest-to-find ingredient: the venom of the Komodo dragon.” As he mixed the ingredients together and began to chant. It was then that a portal slowly began to form but the temple was shaking like mad. It wasn’t just the temple though, since choobo is cracking a tear in space, it could be felt across the whole earth and was even felt in the demon realm.
Vexacus: “choobo! What is going on? Why is the temple shaking?”
Choobo: “I told ya I haven’t tested this spell. Since we tearing a hole in space, we have to shake up the realms a bit but it should pass soon. I think.”
In the demon realm, ember and the rest of the group were training when the shockwave from choobo spell hit.
Oceana: “whoaaaaaa! Yama, is this you or your mum’s stomach growling?”
Yama: “I don’t think so. This might be something else.”
Terra: “whatever it is. It making me feel sick! I’m going to throw up in a minute.”
It was then that the shockwave stop and the portal appeared in kibaoni.
Choobo: “I did it! I mean of course i did it, I mean it not like I had doubts about this spell.” He said nervously hiding his lie. “Quick kekkai! Jump through the portal and collect some humans for labour.”
Kekkai: “huh? You expect me to go alone? No way.”
Iga: “very well then. Take them with you. Come forth! Heavenly solider demons, ronins!” As a swarm of demons appeared, they were wearing blue and black armour and don metallic straw hats. They had crossbow guns and swords. “Will these be enough?”
Kekkai: “yes lord Iga. It shall.” As he jumped into the portal followed by the ronins.
Back with ember and the other demons, they were still reeling from the shockwave caused by choobo spell.
Cyclone: “what was that anyway?”
Storm: “maybe it was a earthquake?”
Rana: “we on floating stones, how could it be an earthquake?”
Storm: “a sky quake then. It had to be something.”
Star: “hey where’s Luna? She was behind me a minute ago.”
Luna: “I’m alright. And I think I found something. Something strange by our standards.” As the rest of the demons rushed towards Luna.
When they arrived, they found a large tear suspended in mid air. The tear showed a large warehouse though there was nothing inside.
Terra: “whoa, what is that?”
Storm: “I know your all gonna call me crazy but I think it a dimensional tear. That why we seeing something else on the other side of it.”
Gale: “I think your right, you are crazy but you are actually right.” As ember inspected the tear.
Raiden: “ember, don’t get too close.” However ember does the opposite and jumps through the tear, landing on the other side. “What the-? I just said don’t get too close and you jump through it?”
Ember: “it alright. I think it safe to jump pass through guys.”
At first, everyone was a little skeptic about following her but in the end they all came through the portal.
Gale: “man, just where are we?”
Storm: “well if that really is a tear in space, it maybe possible we are in another realm though I don’t know which one to be sure.”
It was then that noise could be heard outside, they all went to the nearby window to see what was going on.
Outside the building, people were running in panic as the ronins were rounding up people to bring to kakkai. The people were tossed in a group.
Kekkai: “perfect. Now for my signature technique: barrier creation!” As he sent a slip of paper that formed a large barrier prison to contain the humans that were collected. “A good start but keep collecting more humans for our empire.” As the ronins sent out to collect more people for him.
Unknown to them, ember and the rest of the demon sorcerers children were watching them. Some were quite shocked by what happened but mostly by where they were.
Ember: “no freaking way. We in the human realm. Dad told me about when he was a statue and his attempt to take his powers back a few years ago but he was defeated by someone called Jackie something, chan I think it was, I don’t exactly remember.”
Raiden: “well that explains the where we are part but that still doesn’t answer who they are.” Pointing to the heavenly demons.
Ember: “I don’t know but I do know that our parents called dibs on this place first and I’m not gonna let them take it.” When raiden suddenly grabbed her by the shoulder as she was heading out. “Let me guess, you want to stop me from doing something reckless like fight all of them, right?”
Raiden: “no, I was stopping you because I want to join you. I’m not letting you take on a army by yourself. Anyone else want to join?”
Terra: “heck yeah! I’m always in the mood for a fight, no matter what!” As she slammed her fist together.
Yama: “I will but I fight better on a full stomach.”
Luna: “I don’t know. Maybe we should go back.”
Ember: “we not leaving but not all of you have to fight. Just hide and make sure that your okay.”
Later outside, some ronins had brought another group of humans to kekkai to be captured and brought to their masters.
Kekkai: “right. The second batch of labourers. Time for my technique. Mystic technique: barrier creation.” However before he finished the spell, he was suddenly hit in the head by a rock. When he turned around, he saw ember, raiden, Yama, mako, oceana, sky, Terra and Gale. When the people saw the ronins were distracted, they made a run for it. When kekkai noticed it, he had grown aggravated. “Grrrrr. Why you…. You brats just cost us some labor. Who do you think you are?”
Ember: (thinking) “okay, one of the most important thing for people like us is how we introduced ourselves so best go with something that shows us off.” She thought to herself. (Out loud) “who are we? We are the children of the most famous being in all the land, we the children of the demon sorcerers!”
Kekkai: “the demon sorcerers!?! I didn’t know they had kids. Regardless, master vexacus will be pleased with me if I bring you to him. Ronins! Attack!” As the ronins unsheathed their swords and ready their crossbow guns and charged at the sorcerers. Unbeknownst to both groups, a third party was watching from the shadows. The man was wearing full shadow black clothing and his face was covered by a face mask and sunglasses.
Ember was fighting with three ronins and used her fire breath to torch two of them. The third one swung it sword at her but she blocked it with her wrist. The sword didn’t seemed to wound her but that might be due to her dragon scales. She shrugs off the sword and strike the ronin in the stomach causing it to break apart.
Raiden was fighting against four ronins and she was quite outnumbered but she then summoned down a bolt of lightning that bounced between the ronins causing them to explode.
Terra was fighting off against a total of five ronins. She fought like a wild beast and pummelled two of the ronins. She was about to take on the remaining three when two more appeared from behind her and ready their crossbow guns at her.
Luna: “Terra look out!” As she used her gravity powers to fling a dumpster at the ronins crushing them and the remaining three ronins.
Terra: “thanks for the backup cuz.”
Yama was fighting off against four ronins, however he was having the easiest time with his ronins because he used his size and strength to bear hug the ronins until they broke apart.
Mako and Oceana were taking on six ronins while sky and Gale were removing the seal on the first barrier prison. Oceana then noticed a fire hydrant and used her tail to break it and used her water powers to wash away the ronins.
Mako: “way to wash them out sis.” As he made a terrible joke causing Oceana to facepalm herself.
Oceana: “mako that was a terrible joke.” Trying to hold back a giggle.
Mako: “oh come on, dad would have loved that one and you know it.”
It was then that sky managed to remove the seal causing the barrier prison to break. The people then began to run.
Sky: “wow not even a thank you. How rude.” As she crossed her arms and frowned.
Gale: “well after what just happened, who could blame them.”
Back with ember, she just took out another ronin when kekkai jumped in and swung his scythe blade at her. She dodge however and used her fire breath but kekkai used a barrier to block it. He then used his scythe blade and wrapped it around ember waist and dragged her towards him. However she used this to her advantage and dropkick him.
Kekkai: “this cannot be. I cannot lose… I must serve my masters.”
She then used her fire breath and shot out a fire ball that when made contact with kekkai, defeated him, causing his body to break with a purple light shining out.
Kekkai: “I have been breached! Ahhhhhhhh.” As he suddenly exploded and broke into pieces. Seeing this, the rest of the ronins retreated back to their temple. The rest of the demon sorcerer children came out knowing that the worst were behind them.
Unfortunately that is not true. Suddenly in the distance they noticed a group of military vehicles heading towards them.
Storm: “that does not look good.”
Before they could react, symbols appeared on the floor and then suddenly a portal opened up and they fell into it. The portal then closed up.
Later, back at kibaoni, the ronins were telling their master what had happened and he was furious. In fact he was so furious he tossed one of them over the edge.
Vexacus: “Arghhhh! You mean to tell me that that the demon sorcerers children had beaten you?!? And you expect me to be alright with that!?!”
Zurgane: “master vexacus please calm down.”
Iga: “indeed my lord, do not let your anger get the best of you.”
Vexacus: “calm down? Calm down?!? Have you forgotten what they took from us!!! What shendu took from me!!!!!!” As he pointed at his cybernetic eye.
Choobo: “no my lord. Forgive us.” As they all kneeled down as vexacus sat on his throne.
Vexacus: “regardless, this dark cloud has a sliver lining. A chance to finally have my revenge on the demon sorcerer. (Closes in on his cybernetic eye) Revenge on shendu.”
Back in the human realm, in a unknown location, a similar portal from earlier open up on the ceiling. It open and out of it the demon sorcerer children came out from it. They were roughed up on the landing but otherwise they were fine.
Ember: “(groans) now where are we? Are we even in the human realm?” As she and the other stood back up and gained their footing.
???: “you are in my hideout in San Francisco. That where you are.” As the mysterious figure from earlier had slowly stepped out.
Raiden: “what the? Who are you? And where you learned to do chi spells?”
????: “ah good. You recognise what the teleport spell was. As for who I am…” he snaps his figure and his body was suddenly covered with shadows. When the shadows left his body, it was revealed that he had six slits eyes, dark green skin, light green robes, dark red trouser with white circle on it, dark gold boots and two alligator skulls on his shoulders. His fingers were quite long and were sliver. He had white, long hair. He then pulled out a shaku-style baton. “Know me for my name and power. Demon sorcerer of shadows, serrator. Pleasure to finally meet you, my dear nieces and nephews.” Causing them to be surprised by what he had said.
End credits
A little idea I had after I had a nice binge session of the show. Basically this would be a sequel series that would revolve around the demon sorcerer and their children
Ember, daughter of Shendu, the fire demon
Specie: demon dragon
Bio: the daughter of shendu and brother of drago. And unlike drago, ember loves and respects his father though she tends to do her own thing. She hates it when her dad and brother fight (which is most of the time.) she acts as the leader of the cousins and of demon video game group. Since she is more respectful to her father, she is considered the favourite between the two.
Zoe, wife of Shendu
Specie: human (formally) demon dragon (currently)
Bio: once human, Zoe and shendu met in a surprisingly way. Zoe was actually stealing from shendu treasury but was captured by his guards. When shendu met Zoe, he surprisingly congratulated her since no one had even gotten close to his treasure room. He had decided to give her one last request before her execution so she said that she would like to dine and spend the last day with the fire demon. Reluctantly he agreed and as the day went on, Zoe actually opened up to the dragon demon stating that she was actually stealing for his father who had grown ill and hated that other though she was weak. As the day continued, shendu felt something in his heart that he had never felt before, love. At the end of the day, shendu surprised Zoe by saying that she is actually released and her execution is cancelled. A few days later, shendu had encountered Zoe again, unfortunately her father had succumbed to his sickness and had found out that she too had the same illness. With only a few days left for the one he loved. Shendu went to one of his family, the demon sorcerer of shadow, serretor and told him what happened. Understanding, the sorcerer created a potion that would turn Zoe into a demon dragon like him and give Zoe the same powers as shendu by using one of his scales. Shendu went to his love and showed her the potion, stating that she if she drank the potion, she’ll be cured but she’ll also turn into a demon dragon like him. She agreed and drank the potion, turning into demon dragon. Overwhelmed by what happened, shendu told her that the reason he did this was because he had fallen in love with her and, a few weeks later, married her. A few months later, zoe had given birth to her and shendu daughter, ember and two years later, had given birth to drago.
Raiden, daughter of Tchang Zu, the thunder demon
Specie: thunder demon
Bio: the daughter of the thunder demon Tchang Zu, raiden always been a bit of a rebel and her relationship with her father was on and off from time to time. She rarely shows her soft side with the exception for his family. She has quite a sweet tooth as well. She has the ability to create thunderstorms like her father. She does hang out with her cousins to do some gaming. She also started a band with her cousins.
Mako, son of Bai Tza, the water demon
Specie: water demon
Bio: mako mostly took after his father who always made an old man gag from time to time. When he passed away though, mako took it on to hold his father memory by making his own old man gags, while others are annoyed by this, Bai Tza enjoys them because they remind her of his husband.
Oceana, daughter of Bai Tza, the water demon
Specie: water demon
Bio: while mako took after his father, oceana took after her mother though she does enjoy fashion. She one days dream to be a queen of fashion along with her cousin star.
Terra, daughter of Dai Gui, the earth demon
Specie: earth demon
Bio: the daughter of the earth demon, Terra had great strength like her father. Her dad always been protective of her ever since she was born. She lives healthy, which is way she works out and eats veggies every day. She enjoys playing fighting game with her cousins.
Storm, son of Hsi Wu, the sky demon
Specie: sky demon
Bio: a surprising genius, storm is always coming up with crazy inventions and conspiracy theory but his family love him no matter what.
Sky, daughter of Hsi Wu, the sky demon
Specie: sky demon
Bio: daughter of the sky demon and twin sister to storm, sky was shy during most of her youth but other the years she grew to be more courageous and less shy though she tend to lose her cool around boys she likes.
Luna, daughter of Tso Lan, the moon demon
Specie: moon demon
Bio: daughter of Tso Lan, Luna is both sweet and shy. She is considered the most beautiful of all the demon cousins. She always tries her best when she either learning or mastering her powers.
Star, daughter of Tso Lan, the moon demon
Specie: moon demon
Bio: the younger sister of Luna. Star is very lovely and quite regal. She loves fashions and has made plans with her cousin oceana to one day become famous fashion artist.
Yama, son of Po Kong, the mountain demon
Specie: mountain demon
Bio: the son of the mountain demon, Yama is like her mother, very hungry. Though he still hangs out with his cousins to hang out and play games. He mostly slows and has trouble processing most thing. Despite this, his most favourite cousins is storm.
Rana, daughter of Xiao Fung, the wind demon
Specie: frog demon
Bio: the firstborn of Xiao fung, Rana actually has a happy-go-lucky personality. Sometimes this is quite annoying especially to her father but he still love her. She loves hanging out with his cousins.
Cyclone, son of Xiao Fung, the wind demon
Specie: frog demon
Bio: the second born of the wind demon. Cyclone is quite competitive when it comes to gaming. Out of Xiao Fung children, his wind power is the most powerful.
Gale, son of Xiao Fung, the wind demon
Specie: frog demon
Bio: the youngest of the wind demon children, Gale is actually quite like his father though he is quick to anger when someone make fun of his wind powers. He was scared by an electric fan because it was a fan that defeated his father.
Serrator, the demon sorcerer of shadows
Specie: shadow demon
Bio: they were not just eight demons sorcerer. In fact, there were many more. One of them was the demon sorcerer of shadow, serrator. A powerful sorcerer with a mastery of chi and a living shadow, serrator was one of the few demons to go into hiding after the 8 sorcerer were sealed away. He had retreated to his hidden temple in Japan where he spent the years mastering different form of magic.
Dong Xin, the demon sorcerer of ice
Specie: lizard demon
Bio: a surprisingly “cool” dude, Dong Xin is actually pretty chill for a demon, he loved the era of disco since everyone was acting as cool as he was. To this day, he still keep disco alive along with his daughter winter.
Sha xie, the demon sorceress of sand
Specie: scorpion demon
Bio: one of the other demons to flee into hiding, Sha Xie once ruled over a region of Egypt. Despite her appearance she is actually quite regal and enjoys spending time with her siblings specifically Bai Tza because she too was once a ruler.
Toph Dun, the demon sorceress of metal
Specie: metal demon
Bio: a hardworking demon, Toph earned the name the forger empress’s because she always tends to work in her forge to make armor and weapons for his siblings.
Winter, daughter of Dong Xin, the demon sorcerer of ice
Specie: lizard demon
Bio: the daughter of the ice demon. Winter has a pretty chill personality though she tends to be quick to anger when someone make fun of her or her cousins. She sometimes make reference to the 80s like her father tend to.
Stinger, son of Sha Xie, the demon sorceress of sand
Specie: scorpion demon
Bio: the son of Sha Xie, stinger is a genius tactician and always think of crazy ideas that tend to work out sometimes.
Iroh, son of Toph Dun, the demon sorceress of metal
Specie: metal demon
Bio: the son of Toph Dun, Iroh learned everything he knows from his mother and states that his work must be perfect or else he’ll throw it away. He also says that people must respect his creation or else.
Phantos, retainer of the shadow sorcerer
Specie: shadowkhan
Bio: once a former soldier in shendu shadowkhan army, he saved the life of serrator once and to honor him, serrator had him made as his retainer and student where to this day, he has helped serrator with many of his spells.
Lie she, the demon sorceress of poison
Specie: snake demon
Bio: a serpentine demon, Lie She has actually been hiding in plan sight for the past few years, with her being one of the most famous pop singers in all of Japan, maybe the whole world. Her mastery over poison actually also gives her the ability of healing because she actually hates fighting but only when it with family. When it with her enemies, she will turn as dangerous as her poison are. She also know to be a real man-eater.
Viper, daughter of Lie She, demon sorceress of poison
Specie: snake demon
Bio: the daughter of Lie She, viper never knew her father. Being raised alone by her mother, she actually had a good life. Since her mother was a famous singer, she had enough money to give her daughter a good life. She says that when she grows up, she’ll be a famous singer just like her mama.”
Rai ci, the demon sorcerer of light
Specie: light demon
Bio: a powerful warrior, Rai Ci has a great sense of honor, never fighting a unarmed opponent no matter what but be warned, should you be without honor then you shall face his unbound fury. He power let him create constructs of light such as swords and axes.
Shinji, son of the demon sorcerer of light
Specie: light demon
Bio: know as the lightmare archer, Shinji has the same sense of honor as his father but he doesn’t tend to use it much since he will always strike down those who do wrong. Also like his father, Shinji is able to create a construct bow out of light.
Lang yan, demon sorceress of crystal
Specie: crystal demon
Bio: a powerful and stealthy sorceress. Lang Yan is a lover of fine jewellery since it shines as bright as her. The only thing she love more than jewellery is her daughter. She even claimed that she was the greatest treasure that she ever had. Her powers let her create crystal weapons or construct and she able to dive into reflective surfaces to move quickly and quietly.
Aneira, daughter of Lang Yan, the demon sorceress of crystal
Specie: crystal demon
Bio: being raised by the most stealthy of the demon sorcerer. Aneria been using her skills of stealth to make her jewellery collection. Much like her mother, she too is able to create crystal construct and creatures. She uses her powers to trap her foes in crystal.
1.1 So long ago, the 8 demons were banished to the netherworld by the immortals. The only way to release them is by using the Panku'Box. However: Why would you want to give them a way to escape?
1.2 Why didn't the immortals just permantly seal the portals like Uncle did in Season 2?
2.1 Also as stated in Season 2 the only way to travel between the Netherworld and Earth is by the demonportals which are unlocked by the Panku'Box. However: How did Drago open up a rift to the Netherworld?
2.2 Also why didn't the 7 demons escape from the Netherworld when the rift was open? Even tho when Drago and Shendu fell into the rift after the chi-spell they went to the netherworld as seen in Season 2.
3,1 FAN THEORY question: 'Would Shendu be punished by his brethern again when he returned into the Netherworld with Drago?
3.2 How did Shendu escape the netherworld after his banishment? I mean his last defeat before the Chan-era was because being turned into stone.
Anyone have a explanation or a theory as awnser? I want to think about these logics :)