Tarakudo is known as the King of the Shadowkhan; and in one episode, after she put on a tattoo with Tarakudo's face on it, Jade was temporarily known as the Queen of the Shadowkhan.
When Tarakudo met Jade for the first time, he immediately recognized her as the Queen of the Shadowkhan. He then asked her if she was interested in returning to the darkside, presumably as the Queen of the Shadowkhan again.
I'm curious to know: just how serious was Tarakudo about his offer to Jade? Because based on some of his interactions with her, it seemed to me like Tarakudo had plans for Jade after he got what he wanted. Was Tarakudo planning to somehow turn Jade back into the Queen of the Shadowkhan to rule by his side? What are your thoughts?
(References: Fancaps- Masks of the Shadowkhan)